RyLeigh The Artist Next Door

RyLeigh Music is a social project located at a music center in New Haven, Connecticut. Founded by Ryleigh The Artist Next Door, our mission is to build a safe community for other artist to create and share a light of their own.  Bringing back vulnerability in songwriting, we believe music has the power to bring light to darkness. RyLeigh Music points our hearts to love and grace for our neighbors
Together, we can shine.

Welcome the neighborhood ❤️

Stream: "On my Own" 

About us

RyLeigh Next Door is a professionally trained artist leading a music education center based in New Haven, Connecticut.  She strives to create a nurturing and inspiring environment where young artist can explore their musical talents and reach their full potential. Her mission is to create high-quality music with a message.

If this mission inspires you, join our mailing list to become a part of the neighborhood!

“I can do all things through Christ".

— Phililippians 4:13